1 thought on “Lego City Transport Station

  1. Post hoc

    As a bus for commute only at this stage, i enjoy reading your blog (thanks to your article in grist for getting me onto you) and the Dad of a 4 yr old, the Lego shown is great he loves it and I think it is part of the idea that “this is just normal”.

    What i have noticed with my 4 year old is, public transport of any sort is actually part of the fun of a day out. We are suburb based in Sydney, no trains but a dedicated off road bus link, if we go into the city for the day it is either by bus, train, light rail or ferry, it does mean we have to drive to get to them, but the best parts of the day are on what ever from of public transport we take. Through his eyes the journey is more important than the destination.

    Keep up the good work

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