Category Archives: events

Bus-chick-friendly weekend events

Another library celebration/historic bus tour combo:

Saturday, December 9th

MEHVA, our favorite historic vehicle preservation organization, is hosting its annual Holiday Lights Tour. I’m pretty sure they’re going to use the cool buses this time.

Where: Begins at 2nd & Main
When: 7:00 PM
Cost: $4-$5, depending on your age

Sunday, December 10th

Floating Bridge Press celebrates Metro’s Poetry on the Buses program with readings from (and a reception for) their newly released anthology: Poetry on the Buses: An Anthology of Poetry on Wheels 1995-2005. Bus Nerd totally should have submitted his bus stop spoken word.

Where: Central Library
When: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
How much: Free! (The book costs $10.)