Thursday, July 13th, 5:30 PM: eastbound 4

A woman in the back, too intoxicated to know she is embarrassing herself, is yelling at her friends, who are also too intoxicated to know she is embarrassing herself. The tone is good natured, but the content is inappropriate: sexually explicit, violent, and generally vulgar. The rest of us sit in silence, some amused, most embarrassed for her. At around 7th & James, her hollering escalates to NBA finals/Prince concert levels, and the subject matter changes.

“I’m a Mohawk, people! Capeesh? A Mohawk. Capeesh? Yep, Mohawk. Capeesh? Capeesh? Capeesh? Caaaaaaa-peeeeeeesh?”

At a break in the hollering, a Spanish-speaking man in front of me turns to his fellow passengers and asks, “What that means–‘capeesh’?”