Weather weary

I was planning to use this evening’s post to write about all the snow-related bus craziness that has occurred in the last 24 hours, but I am easily bored with weather news and can’t bring myself to spend much time on the subject. As we all know, Seattle is hilly and not equipped to de-ice roads especially efficiently. This makes it difficult for folks to get around, in cars and on buses (even on foot), when it snows. Though I’d much rather ride than drive in bad weather (OK, in any weather), I will say that there are several ways the folks at Metro/Sound Transit could have prepared and responded more effectively than they did. I didn’t experience any problems firsthand, though–only vicariously, through Bus Nerd and a few friends. My own bus travel has been surprisingly painless (with working heat and everything!), considering the conditions. If anyone else has a good bus story from yesterday or today, feel free to share (I’m hoping Bus Nerd will), but I don’t have much in the way of snow talk.

P.S. – In case the cold continues, Metro’s adverse weather page has some useful information.