Ridership has its privileges, part II

Yesterday, Chicklet, Nerd, and I spent the afternoon at Green Festival, a two-day green-living extravaganza that was held at the Convention Center.

The bad news: I forgot to bring the coupon for free admission that Seattle City Light sent us. The good news:There was a discount for all bus-riding festivalgoers. Between the two adults (Chicklet was free), we saved 10 bucks, not including the money we didn’t have to spend on gas and parking. This left more money to spend on food: a veggie plate and two sambusas from Horn of Africa, and a delicious fruit smoothie from Tiny’s.

The festival was great. We enjoyed all the booths (me: the fit greenies powering computers by pedaling stationary bikes; Bus Nerd: the folks dispensing information about solar energy) and running into friends and fellow transit geeks. (He-ey, Garlin, Ellen, Andrew, and Vic!)

My favorite part by far (aside from the food, that is): two life-size pictures that you put your face through to take photos–like that octopus they have at the Aquarium. One was of a happy bus chick enjoying a leisurely walk with her dog. (Hope she wasn’t headed to catch a Sound Transit route.) The second was of a stressed-out driver, angrily shaking her latte at the world. (My friend Char, who told me about the life-size pics before I saw them, said they reminded her of the “successful man/unsuccessful man” cartoon I posted a couple of weeks ago.)

Here’s Chicklet as a happy bus chick:

Chicklet at Greenfest

She was traveling in the Bjorn, so it was hard to get her face through the hole without knocking the dang thing over.

No one wanted to be the angry car chick, but here’s a picture Char took of the empty cartoon:

Angry car chick at Greenfest

Perhaps all that poor driver needs to relieve her stress is access to this wall, which we spotted on our way out of the Convention Center:

Convention Center schedule wall

So many routes, so little time!